Vol. 11, No. 1 (December, 2011)

Elements of Temporal Design Approach in Soundscape Based Planning of Urban Quiet Areas
Sergio Luzzia , Rossella Natalea

A methodology based on integration of urban plans and participation of stakeholders has been applied by the authors in the development of EU LIFE+ HUSH (Harmonization of Urban noise reduction Strategies for Homogeneous action plans) project and in the Strategic Action Plan provided for the Florence City agglomeration. In two case studies noise sources and perception of noise have been considered and relative actions planned according to a Participatory Design approach. The idea moves from the multi-sensorial conception of landscape and its perception and defines a process that attempts to actively involve all the real or potential stakeholders. The Temporal Design approach, considering time and space entities as matter of realizing human scaled and people-friendly environments dominated by new rules aiming to design harmonious and comfortable places, has been considered as source of inspiration for the soundscape based actions definition. The combination of ideas given by casual web, burden of disease and temporal design theories has resulted in a significant added value to the system of design methods used in Florence city Strategic Action Plan and Noise Reduction Plan development.

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